The Game Changers
Contact Info:
Science - Room 208 - Mr. Buonfiglio
ELA - Room 119 - Mrs. Capirchio
Social Studies - Room 120 - Ms. Hantzopoulos
Math - Room 111 - Mr. Shippee
Special Educator - Room 119 - Mrs. Caranci
Paraprofessional - Room 119 - Mrs. Fossa
Guidance Counselor - Mrs. Bouchard
As a team, we believe that when parents and teachers work together, students will achieve success thus preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Please view your child’s grades with your child via ASPEN on a weekly basis. If you have any questions or concerns during the school year that require an appointment to virtually meet with our team of teachers, please contact our guidance counselor, Mrs. Bouchard, at [email protected] or 401-270-8092.
September 5, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Game Changers team teachers want to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to the seventh grade at Park View Middle School. We are all very excited about this school year and hope that your child enjoys a happy and enriching experience with us during the 2024-2025 school year. In order to have a successful year, we have found that the following three components are extremely important:
The Game Changers team supports reading across the curriculum. Students will be required to have an independent reading book with them at all times and will be visiting the PVMS library every three weeks with their ELA class. There is an expansive selection of fiction and nonfiction books available from our school library and/or your local public library. In addition, all students are able to access our ebook and audiobook platform through Clever. When they log into Clever, they simply click on Sora and are able to read books on their Chromebook or through the app on their phone or tablet.
The Game Changers team requires that all students write their assignments in their planner. Though your child is maturing and in middle school, it is still essential that you monitor your child’s homework by checking his/her work with what he/she wrote in the planner every day. If your child’s planner is mostly blank, or you suspect a problem with homework, please contact the team via a note in the planner, a phone call to guidance, or an e-mail to the team leader at: [email protected].
As a team, we believe that when parents and teachers work together, students will achieve success, thus preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Please view your child’s grades with your child via ASPEN on a weekly basis. If you have any questions or concerns during the school year that require an appointment to meet with our team of teachers, please contact our guidance counselor, Mrs. Bouchard, [email protected] or 270-8092.
In order to make this year an enjoyable experience for everyone, the teachers and students of the Game Changers team will be demonstrating PVMS PRIDE each day. Included with this letter is a contract which details the expectations for all of our team members. After reviewing the contract with your Game Changer student, please be sure that both of you sign it so that it can be returned to the student’s homeroom teacher. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Capirchio, ELA Mrs. Caranci, Special Educator Mr. Buonfiglio, Science
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Mrs. Bouchard, Guidance Ms. Hantzopoulos, Social Studies Mr. Shippee, Mathematics
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Teachers agree to:
- Be respectful
- Respect pronouns
- Treat students how we want to be treated
- Trust students
- Understand personal issues
- Create a welcoming atmosphere
- Be fair
- Be positive
- Encourage students
- Give students a voice
Students agree to:
- Be respectful
- Follow directions
- Pay attention
- Be honest
- Don’t talk over the teacher
- Use appropriate language
- Be on time
- Wait to be called on before speaking
- Be accountable - No excuses
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
- Treat others how you want to be treated
- Refrain from chewing gum or having candy in class
- Be prepared
- Cell phone is in backpack
- Headphones/Airpods are in your backpack
- Have planner and independent reading book
- Have at least 2 writing utensils
- Write hw in planner daily
- Make up missing assignments after absence
- Check Aspen regularly
Classmates agree to:
- Be respectful
- No judging others
- No teasing or bullying
- Respect pronouns
- Refrain from gossiping
- Be respectful of others’ opinions
- Be respectful of others’ belongings
- Don’t distract others from learning
- Treat others how you want to be treated
- Be caring and friendly
- Be helpful
- Get to know and look out for each other
- Leave outside conflicts out of the classroom
In times of conflicts, we agree to:
- Remain calm
- No physical contact
- Listen and try to understand both sides
- Talk things out
- Think before you speak
- Use appropriate language
- Give each other space and time
- Agree to disagree
- Don’t talk about it with other people
Please fill in the information listed below. The Game Changers team believes that communication between school and home is critical to a student's academic success. For this reason, we ask that you review the classroom contract with your Game Changer student, and sign to show that you agree to the guidelines that our team will adhere to this school year.
Student's signature: _____________________________________
Parent's/Guardian's signature: _____________________________
Parent's/Guardian's best contact phone number: _______________
Parent's/Guardian's email address: __________________________
Do you prefer to be contacted by: (circle one)
(a) phone call? OR (b) email